Regional Committees:
The Community Support Program has a committee for each of the six regions in Pennsylvania. The regional committees are made up of individuals who are involved with their local CSP committees.
Both the regional and local CSP committees provide a community-based line to CSP principles, education, information sharing, and for collective input on major successes and concerns regarding community mental health services. These concerns and other recommendations are shared with the OMHSAS Adult Advisory Committee and may also be shared with county MH/DS offices and organizations.
The CSP Format filters information from the state adult advisory committee to the regional and local committees and also filters up the concerns, information, and ideas of the local committees.
South East Region CSP Meetings: Meetings are held on Zoom. Subcommittees meet from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Location: Contact: Julie Whitmore - jwhitmore@hopeworxinc.org Southwestern Region CSP Meetings: Location: Contact: Rita Lane - rlane@swsix.com North Central Region CSP Currently in need of an organization to step up and become the Regional TA! If you are interested or have any questions on what this entails, please email Tristan Schnoke at tristan@pmhca.org | Northeast Region CSP Meetings: Meetings are held on Zoom. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85265866107?pwd=0UoEabwG5T0xaR3d77zuG9hGpZVD0o.1 Contact: Lynn Housekneckt - lh@theadvocacyalliance.org South Central Region CSP Meetings: Location: Contact: Jessica Paul - centralregioncsp@gmail.com Northwest Region CSP Meetings: 3rd Friday of every month at 10:00 am (Beginning in Spring 2024) Location: STEPS Drop-In Center 24 W. Washington St, Bradford, PA 16701 Contact: Katie Mackey - kmackey@guidancecenter.net |
Local CSPs by Region For more information or to add or update our Local committee information, please contact: