IT’S ALL GOOD! These uplifting words exemplified Rita’s passion , fortitude and advocacy for uplifting all persons she came in contact with and the furthering of the mission of PMHCA. She served our PMHCA membership for at least twelve years.
She was instrumental with creating the KEYSTONE PRIDE RECOVERY INITATIVE (KPRI) and helped secure federal funding to provide statewide KPRI trainings. KPRI training provides a framework for service providers and individuals to understand and provide a welcoming and supportive services for the LGBTQ community and stimulate community discussions regarding LGBTQI rights.
This project continues to this day.
Rita championed knowledge and opportunities for trainings for all individuals no matter what.
It is in honor of Rita’s passion and fortitude that PMHCA awards a training scholarship to individuals to further their knowledge and advocacy in her name."When I attended my first Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers’ Association conference in 2009, one of the members of the PMHCA family that made the largest connection to me was Rita Cisneros, her smile was so full of love, passion and positive energy." -Joseph Alex Martin |
The Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers’ Association has established a scholarship fund to help with the cost of health and wellness activities for members who identify themselves as being in mental health recovery. Conferences, training, development of advocacy and leadership skills, personal fitness activities and other professional and personal resources that contribute to one’s recovery will be considered. PMHCA will notify you when your application is reviewed, to let you know whether or not you will receive scholarship funds and the amount if you receive a scholarship. We thank you very much for your interest and membership in PMHCA. Your desire to move forward with your recovery is applauded!’ | Applications are available upon request at PMHCA or available for download here.